Hemp Bedding - 1kg OUT OF STOCK

Super absorbent for laying boxes

OUR PRICE: $8.00


About this Product

Hemp Bedding absorbs up to 12 times more liquid than straw and 4 times more than shavings.
It is specifically designed for small animals and birds and is made from the delicate woody core of fibre hemp.

Hemp is a super absorbent, natural anti-bacterial, dust-free, sustainable, eco-friendly product. It makes a warm and comfortable bed that provides good insulation against cold and protection against injury.

It also absorbs ammonia very efficiently, reducing its harmful effects on the respiratory system, reduces odour and is a natural fly repellant.

Hemp bedding has been able to absorb moisture in the poultry shed more efficiently than wood shavings or straws. Reducing the conversion of uric acid to ammonia in the shed stops the promotion of high humidity in the shed environment. 
A dust free environment for the birds eliminates respiratory, nasal and eye infections that are often found in birds housed on traditional materials such as wood shavings and straw.

Hemp bedding encourages the poultry to forage thus reducing boredom. Hemp bedding makes cleaning much easier, less frequently needed, and leaves the chicken coop smelling fresh.

It lasts longer so is economical, translating into dollar savings thru reductions in labour, transport and storage.

Hemp is made from 100% renewable hemp. Grown without pesticides or insecticides to prevent chemical residues being transferred to any animals. Once mucked out the soiled bedding naturally breaks down within 8 weeks into quality organic garden compost. Farmers are very happy to remove the muck for these reasons and in turn reducing these removal costs or generating additional income from sales of compost or garden fertilizer.

The Choice of bedding or litter is an important part of small animals and poultry’s housing. Sawdust or straws are not suitable for these small animals, especially in a confined area such as the housing.
Sawdust is usually very dusty and can cause small animals and birds breathing difficulties. It is also very likely to get into their eyes, causing irritation and infection.

Although some people use straw, it must be checked on a daily basis and must be turned over completely. If straw is left untouched, the top appearance will look clean and fresh, while underneath it will sweat and create mould. It does not take long for this to give off spores that soon affect the respiratory systems. This can have very serious consequences for their health. Straw can also makes an excellent haven for lice and mite.

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